Combining Models



Train \(L\) different models and then make predictions using the average of the predictions made by each model.


Train multiple models in sequence in which the error function used to train a particular model depends on the performance of the previous models.

decision trees

Different models are responsible for making predictions in different regions of input space.

mixtures of experts

Models are viewed as mixture distributions in which the component densities,as well as the mixing coefficients,are conditioned on the input variables. \[\begin{aligned} p(t|\vec{x})=\sum\limits_{k=1}^{K}\pi_k(\vec{x})p(t|\vec{x},k) \end{aligned}\] in which \(\pi_k(\vec{x})=p(k|\vec{x})\) represents the input-dependent mixing coefficients,and \(k\) indexes the model.

Bayesian Model Averaging

In Bayesian model averaging the whole data set is generated by a single model.By contrast,when we combine multiple models,we see that different data points within the data set can potentially be generated from different values of the latent variable \(\vec{z}\) and hence by different components.


The simplest way to construct a committee is to average the predictions of a set of individual models,to cancel the contribution arising from variance and bias.

Bootstrap data to introduce variability between the different models within the committee.Suppose we generate \(M\) bootstrap data sets \[\begin{aligned} y_{COM}(\vec{x})=\dfrac{1}{M}\sum\limits_{m=1}^{M}y_m(\vec{x})\end{aligned}\] where \(m=1,...,M\).This procedure is known as bootstrap aggregation or bagging.


Here we describe the most widely used form of boosting algorithm:AdaBoost,short for ’adaptive boosting’.The base classifiers are known as weak learners and are trained in sequence using a weighted form of the data set in which the weighting coefficient associated with each data point depends on the performance of the previous classifiers.

Consider a two-class classification problem,in which the training data comprises input vectors \(\vec{x}_1,...,\vec{x}_N\) along with corresponding binary target variables \(t_1,...,t_N\) where \(t_n\in \{-1,1\}\).Each data point is given an associated weighting parameter \(w_n\),initially set \(1/N\) for all.A base classifier function \(y(\vec{x})\in \{-1,1\}\)


1. Initialize the data weighting coefficients \(\{w_n\}\) by setting \(w_n^{1}=1/N\) for \(n=1,...,N\). 2. 3. Make predictions using the final model,which is given by \[\begin{aligned} Y_M(\vec{x})=sign(\sum_{m=1}^{M}\alpha_m y_m(\vec{x})) \end{aligned}\]

Minimizing exponential error

Consider the exponential error function defined by \[\begin{aligned} E=\sum_{n=1}^{N}\exp\{-t_n f_m(\vec{x}_n)\}\end{aligned}\] where \(f_m(\vec{x})\) is a classifier defined in terms of a linear combination of base classifiers \(y_l(\vec{x})\) of the form \[\begin{aligned} f_m(\vec{x})=\dfrac{1}{2}\sum_{l=1}^{m}\alpha_l y_l(\vec{x})\end{aligned}\] and \(t_n\in \{-1,1\}\) are the training set target values.Our goal is to minimize \(E\) with respect to the weighting coefficients \(\alpha_l\) and parameters of the base classifiers \(y_l(\vec{x})\).

Separating off the contribution from base classifier \(y_m(\vec{x})\), \[\begin{aligned} E&=\sum_{n=1}^{N}\exp\{-t_n f_m(\vec{x}_n)\} \\ &=\sum_{n=1}^{N}\exp\{-t_n \dfrac{1}{2}\sum_{l=1}^{m}\alpha_l y_l(\vec{x}) \} \\ &=\sum_{n=1}^{N}\exp\{-t_n f_{m-1}(\vec{x}_n)-\dfrac{1}{2}t_n \alpha_m y_m(\vec{x}_n)\} \\ &=\sum_{n=1}^{N}w_n^{(m)}\exp\{-\dfrac{1}{2}t_n \alpha_m y_m(\vec{x}_n)\}\end{aligned}\] where the coefficients \(w_n^{(m)}=\exp\{-t_n f_{m-1}(\vec{x}_n)\}\) can be viewed as constants because we are optimizing only \(\alpha_m\) and \(y_m(\vec{x})\).Denote by \(\mathcal{T}_m\) the set of data points correctly classified by \(y_m(\vec{x})\) and misclassified points by \(\mathcal{M}_m\),then we in turn rewrite the error function \[\begin{aligned} E &=e^{-\alpha_m/2}\sum_{n\in\mathcal{T}_m}w_n^{(m)}+e^{\alpha_m/2}\sum_{n\in\mathcal{M}_m}w_n^{(m)} \\ &=(e^{\alpha_m/2}-e^{-\alpha_m/2})\sum_{n=1}^{N}w_n^{(m)}I(y_m(\vec{x}_n)\neq t_n)+e^{-\alpha_m/2}\sum_{n=1}^{N}w_n^{(m)}\end{aligned}\] Then we can minimize this with respect to \(y_m(\vec{x}_n)\) and \(\alpha_m\). \[\begin{aligned} \because w_n^{(m)}=\exp\{-t_n f_{m-1}(\vec{x}_n)\} \\ \therefore w_n^{(m+1)}=\exp\{-t_n f_{m}(\vec{x}_n)\} \\ \therefore w_n^{(m+1)}=w_n^{(m)}\exp\{-\dfrac{1}{2}t_n\alpha_m y_m(\vec{x}_n)\}\end{aligned}\] Making use of the fact that \[\begin{aligned} t_n y_m(\vec{x})=1-2I(y_m(\vec{x}_n)\neq t_n)\end{aligned}\] we see updates at the next iteration \[\begin{aligned} w_n^{(m+1)}=w_n^{(m)}\exp(-\alpha_m/2)\exp\{\alpha_m I(y_m(\vec{x}_n)\neq t_n)\}\end{aligned}\] Because the term \(\exp(-\alpha_m/2)\) is independent of \(n\),so can be discarded.

Error functions for boosting

Tree-based Models

Conditional Mixture Models